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Passion and Innovation

Ca Nova

Eurovo is a licensee of the Almaverde Bio brand for the eggs and egg products sector. Eurovo Group has been operating for over 50 years and is now the biggest European company of its sector. The company benefits from full vertical integration, as it directly controls and manages each production and processing stage for its products. These stages are rigorously coordinated by highly-qualified technicians on a continual basis. 

Complex but with advanced experience and technologies, the Group may be summarised as follows:
• 16 production facilities (covering a total 650,000 square metres) in several European countries;
• weaning of chicks, hen farming, egg collection, preparation of egg products (shelling, pasteurisation, packaging and delivery);
• preparation of packaged eggs (selection, packaging and delivery).
In the organic sector, Eurovo is committed to adhering to all legislation, and continues to vehemently focus on the quality and authenticity of their products, receiving  widespread approval from the offset.


S.P. Selice, 50
40026 Imola (BO)
Tel. +39.0542.58811
Fax. +39.0542.012578

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