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Pronti ad arte

Pronti ad Arte

A line of soups, purées and organic ready meals that can be prepared in 4 minutes, even in a microwave. The napkin and little spoon make them perfect for a lunch break when you’re out of the house. 

  • Legume soup with barley and spelt, Endive with haricot beans, Vegetable minestrone (new), Tuscan soup (new): 310g pack with spoon. 
  • Potato, cauliflower and broccoli purée, Pumpkin purée with carrot and leek, Vegetable purée: 310g pack with spoon and croutons. 
  •  Mashed potato (new): 400g pack with spoon.    

The producer

Apofruit Group’s specialist company, founded and developed to make organic products a standard daily choice, thanks to its direct partnership with over 800 organic farms in Italy.

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